Glazer and Sachs presents a forum for board members and owners to tell their side of the story. Hosted by Eric Glazer, a recognized authority in community association law, Condo Craze and HOAs offers valuable insights and lively discussions, attracting a diverse audience of homeowners and board members.
Latest Episodes
S2E32 - Did Florida Learn from the Champlain Towers Collapse? (Airing 9/5/24)
S2E31 - Does a developer always have the ability to terminate a condo? (Aired 8/25/24)
S2E30 - Sorry condo owners, it is what it is what it is (Aired 8/18/24)
Cant get enough?
About The Show
Nearly every Floridian today lives in either a condominium or HOA community. Ideally, the concept of many families all living together in one beautiful building or in one sprawling community, sharing expenses, sounds great. Then, everyone is told that there are laws, codes, bylaws and rules that everyone must live by and suddenly they’re all miserable.
The Board members who are put in charge by their neighbors of enforcing all of these provisions are often vilified for simply performing the job they were elected to perform. Many of these unpaid volunteers feel that you never hear anything positive about people who choose to serve for free on their condominium or homeowner’s association’s Board of Directors. They object to the term “Condo Commandos.” and can’t figure out why you always hear a million stories about Boards gone bad, but never one about a Board who has worked hard to save their association from financial ruin or even closure. They say that the owners don’t know what it’s like trying to keep the association financially afloat despite a massive foreclosure crisis or what it’s like to be woken up in the middle of the night when a pipe bursts somewhere in the community. Their battle cry is: instead of sitting by the pool complaining about your Board, how about stepping up to the plate and giving us a hand!
In addition to the YouTube talk show, Eric Glazer provides a specialized education class where individuals can pursue board certification – equipping participants with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of community associations but also contributes to the professionalization of those involved in condo and HOA governance. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming classes.
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Sundays at 11am on YouTube