This might be tough for many of you. Food prices are high. Gasoline prices are high. Interest rates have stymied the real estate market. Your paycheck is buying less and less. COVID is somehow still hanging around as well. Yes, there are certainly things to be grumpy about.
About the Eric Glazer
Eric M. Glazer, a native of Brooklyn, New York, is a distinguished attorney specializing in community association law. He earned his B.A. in Political Science from New York University and his Juris Doctorate from the University of Miami School of Law. In 1994, he founded Glazer and Associates, P.A., and later formed Glazer & Sachs P.A. Eric has dedicated his career representing condominium and homeowner associations. He also hosts Condo Craze and HOAs Show on YouTube, where he educates and engages with a live audience on association-related matters. Additionally, he is a Florida Bar Board Certified attorney in Condominium and Planned Development Law and a certified mediator by the Florida Supreme Court.